Luf Rednow Corner

So, it’s October and as many of you may know there are only a few weeks before The ACLAIMH Annual Conference. The ACLAIMH conference is the top mental health housing conference and trade show in New York. During this four-day conference you will hear from industry leaders and state regulators, share ideas, network with your peers, and meet with vendors highlighting their products and services. You can visit ACLAIMH at

Now Words...

Impact– The action of one object coming forcibly in contact with another.

This weeks word is Impact. I like this word! It sounds so powerful. It almost sounds ominous like it could change the world. But the interesting thing about impact is that it can be made or demonstrated at any time, anywhere and with very little effort, cost or time. Impact can be seen as so small to some that it is almost insignificant. So, how did this miniscule word end up on the list of top 20 buzzwords for business professionals?

Anyone with a conscience, a touch of compassion or even empathy understands that dropping a penny in a cup clutched by an outstretched hand, saying, “Good morning!” or even nodding at an individual passing by can make a huge impact. Seems like nothing to some but those gestures could possibly end some ones hunger, prevent a suicide or insight infectious kindness in others. And to that end, I say, “Make an effort to make an impact.”

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